Forget the Boxing Day Sales. Forget their bustling shop floors and their crazy crowds, that stuff is old news.
What was the best place to shop this week you ask? It was at Flexible Living, where staff staged a week long trading table that featured all sorts of bargains.
Clients were afforded the opportunity to land some lovely loot for just a spoonful of spare change, in the comfort of their very own Flexible Living facilities – and all were extremely happy with their retail wins!
We chat with Lauren Ward, Community Inclusion Coordinator from Flexible Living about this super central shopping experience for our much loved clients and what it meant to them ….
Where was this trading table initiative held
During our aged care program we run 3 days a week at Hillcrest and 2 days a week at Loganlea community centre.
When was it held?
Throughout our first week back from holiday break, the 6th of January 2014.
What was it for?
This fell together after, we received a lot of donations at the end of the year, with lots of people cleaning out their cupboards and our older clients love to shop, also can be in need of clothing and home wares as these items can be last priorities when on a pension. As is with many people they can be too proud to take donations so we sell these items for 20 – 50 cents. We have sometimes just put one table out with a couple of things but we had so much thought since our first week back we would set up a mini shop for the whole week, added ‘Dianna’ the mannequin and some funky signs and the shopping began. It’s been fun!
Who contributed?
It was through kind donations from families, staff and volunteers.
Who was invited to shop there?
This was for our clients – Just within our aged care group. It wasn’t open to the public as we unfortunately are not set up for that. It’s been great, and our clients seemed to enjoy it.

What will you do with the money?
Along with other funds raised by raffles and other ventures, it will go towards purchasing resources within the centre for our valued clients.
What did this initiative mean for the clients of Flexible Living?
This gives an opportunity for some of the people we support to purchase items that they may not be able to, due to transport access or financial disadvantage. This also has given a welcome distraction to the people we support living with dementia. The overall consensus was that they loved it!
Lauren Ward is the Community Inclusion Coordinator, a passionate and dedicated staff member responsible for the coordination of Flexible Living group programs: The Click; Saturday Rec; Allied Health; and Aged Care Centrebased activities.
You can contact her, or any of our other friendly staff to find out more about the work we do here at Flexible living, by contacting us on 1300 359 253.
Stay tuned for more stories and updates about the fun and interesting things we do here every week at Flexible Living!