Please Note
Information that is provided on the form is confidential and kept for job allocation purposes only. At no stage will personal details be given to any other person or agency without seeking applicants’ consent. Consent is granted by the applicant if and when applicant completes either in person or by phone a Volunteer Application or Referral Form, which requires further details from the applicant.
It is a requirement under the Aged Act 2011 that all workers who work directly or indirectly with the aged are to hold a National Police Check and in some instances they may be required to also hold a Positive Notice Card – Blue Card. Also, under the Disability Act 2006, it is mandatory for all workers who work directly or indirectly with people with a disability to hold a Criminal History Screening Positive Notice Card.
All applications are completed and submitted by the Aged Care/Disability Service funded organisation, at no cost to the applicant.