Government Information Links…

Volunteer Managers/Coordinators may not have time to search for information on frameworks, standards and Code of Conduct for those working in the aged care and disability sectors. So, we have done the research, found the information links to help save time for those managers/coordinators.

These are direct links to the relevant Commonwealth or State department and are updated by that department when information or policies change.


The information presented here is the view of the relevant releasing organisation and not the views of our organisation.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

NDIS Code of Conduct

Queensland Department of Communities, Disability and Seniors

Human Services Quality Framework

Elder Abuse and Prevention Awareness

Queensland Government

Queensland Community Support Scheme (formerly QCCS, manual dated July 2016, 4th ed., latest available)

Queensland Civil Liability Act 2003

Part 3. Liability of Public and other Authorities and Volunteers, Sub Division 3 – Volunteers