Tania Ranapia and I attended the Carer and Family Expo; the stalls were not only providers but stalls to indulge our Wonderful carers and their Families for example, Facials, Hand Massaging, Thai Chi classes and much more.
The day was full of excitement and interaction from different cultures, The Lord Mayor of Brisbane Graham Quirk, the community and the providers.
Inspiring speeches were presented to the crowd, one particular of an 8 year old boy born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (heart only forms on one side), this young man and his family have been and still are on a roller coaster of emotions and yet still stay strong to battle the many operations that face them head on.
This canvas that is presented in this Photo was decorated by many Carers and their Families; the question I asked of them was if we were to care for you in your home what would you be looking for from our staff, many of the answers ranged from respect, support, understanding and communication to Cultural diversity, love and a happy smile, thank you to all who participated.
Flexible Living also offered a Lucky Draw prize one by a Carer Janete Woodford who was noticeably excited to have won.
I would like to take this opportunity to Thank Tania Ranapia for all your help, The Lord Mayor of Brisbane Graham Quirk, the providers we shared the floor with, but most of all The Amazing Carers and their Families who are an inspiration.
Kristal Pickering.