Frank Gallagher is a man with many interesting stories with a life time of unique experiences.
He attends Hillcrest Aged Care Centrebased Day Care where we have had the thrill of Franks stories for the past three years.

Recently Frank came into the centre and asked politely for our assistance to use the internet to conduct some online research. Frank worked with staff member Di to track down a property he was moved to at the age of nine after his home in Liverpool, UK, was bombed in World War II.
He remembered when the first bomb hit, he was under the stairs and he thought the Nazi’s were trying to bomb the jam factory because they wanted the jam. He recalls coming out after the second bomb hit and there being no windows or doors to be seen.
Frank told of how he moved to Thwaite House with his mother, sister and cousin and lived there with other families 9 children in total, his teacher said he was the most memorable because he wagged school so much. Frank was able to locate current images and floor plans of the house and was excited to be taking the images to show his wife and children.
We admire Frank’s passion look forward to hearing more from him soon.