Volunteer Management Support and Resources……

Organisations may not have the time or the staff to sit down and discuss what is involved in setting up or updating a volunteer program for their services. It can be daunting if you have never had to set up a program from the beginning.

A well planned and systematic approach to implementing a volunteer program will help to sustain a high number of active volunteers, reduce turnover, build healthy staff/volunteer relationships, increase service productivity and best practices. This is necessary to ensure the sustainability of volunteers, otherwise unnecessary time and resources can be spent on trying to manage a volunteer program.

Our service believes in sharing ideas, resources and information that it has gathered through networking with peak bodies in the community sector. Through these networks our service is able to provide a high quality and varied range of services to your organisation.

The following resources can assist new or existing volunteer managers/coordinators who are either setting up a new program or updating an existing one.

Recognising your volunteers……

There is always a reason why people volunteer. Showing appreciation to your volunteers is extremely important, as it can have an impact on their commitment, length of time and, the quality of work they give to the organisation. There are ways to demonstrate recognition that doesn’t incur a lot of time or money, but will keep your volunteers returning. Also, knowing your volunteers’ value and their work can be important when it comes to applying for grants, as many grant makers want to know the organisation’s volunteer commitment.